
A blog to satisfy your spiritual hunger with weekly dishes of faith messages and christian living.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What does it take to be saved, even after being born-again? Or is that all?

4 things to do after being born-again


You have made the biggest decision of your life!

To follow Christ

To love Him with all your heart, might and soul

To serve and obey Him diligently

To surrender your life to Him

But, is that really all?

   Some born-again Christians have the misconception that after they are born-again and surrender their lives to God, it automatically makes them saved. Although, this qualifies you for salvation but it doesn't affirm your actual going to heaven

   Once you become born-again, you are given a chance, by the merciful Most High God to live a new and fulfilling life in Him, the Spirit which will later determine whether or not they are worthy  to inherit the kingdom of God.
  You can't possibly expect all to be well and 'goody-goody' after you become a born-again, thinking that's the only requirement to be saved. God makes it clear in the book of James that “.... faith without work is dead..”; if you read through the book of James, you would see that Saint James admonishes Christians to both be active in spiritual works as they are in their spiritual faith.

I don't want to go deeper into that but I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Basically;


   Without wasting much more of your time, here are 4 things a new born-again must do to be assured of salvation.

ONE: Continue being willing to follow Jesus (Mk 8:34, Jn 7:17, Jn 12:26)

   “.....if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” (Mk 8:34, NIV)

Salvation is not a one day thing!

 You can't expect God to notice you if you go back and forth in your spiritual life. I personally think time plays a part in separating the fame-seeking believers from the God-seeking believers.

   Christianity is not just a religion, it's a relationship. It is a true relationship we build with God. If you're a fame-seeking  or materialistic believer, you won't go far, because as you pass the ‘baby stage’ (most Christians sadly don't) and enter into the ‘maturing/youth stage’, the journey tends to get harder and harder and uncomfortable for your physical body (the flesh).

  You can't decide to become a true Christian just because someone else you know is and is very successful in life or because there's a particular guy/girl you admire who attends church regularly and is a devoted Christian; if that's your reason or any other petty reason, you will not go far at all.

That is why our Lord is calling out to true people who want to seek His face not the faces and praises of people or the face of that beautiful girl/handsome guy. He is looking for those that would be willing to follow Him. To continue to follow Him no matter the rough sides and ups and downs, no matter the mockery and scorns from unbelievers geared towards your emotional feelings. He is out to capture the hearts of true seekers that will continue, day and night to be enthusiastic about building a relationship with Him.

Now, ask yourself. Am I ready to daily seek the face of the Lord and follow Him without questions?
(Leave your answers in the comments section below 🙂⬇️)

TWO: Deny himself daily; renounce all self-dependence , self-interest and self-pursuit which are contrary to God (Rom 6:16-23, Tom 8:1-13, Gala 5:19-24)

  “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.” (Gala 5:24)

   As a Christian, your greatest enemy is your flesh(Gala 5:17).

We battle everyday with our flesh because it is in contrast with the Holy Spirit. The flesh wants us to yield to sin but the spirit wants us to dwell in righteousness.

 For us to truly walk in the Spirit and have lesser probability to fall into sin and darkness, we need to completely detach ourselves from anything self-related. By self-related I mean; self-dependence, self-interest, self-deceit, self-despair, self-glory, selfishness, self-praise and self-pursuit....all those related to just yourself and not glorifying God.

For you to truly have constant hope of salvation, it is necessary to deny yourself everyday, say NO to your flesh and don't give in to it's temptations. If self-pride settles in, rebuke it in the name of Jesus and pray for the Spirit of meekness. If self-dependence starts to be the best option for you during a huge dilemma in your life, cast it out in the name of Jesus and pray for the spirit of total surrender and allegiance to God's will for your life.

Christianity is not about you, you and YOU. 


Many Christians misunderstand this Biblical scripture that “since God loves only ME, you know He loves ME, I do this and that and I'M able to do......”.


You shouldn't say that; that's self-glory.

It's not about you spreading the word of God but God shining His light in and through you and using you to propagate the gospel of His kingdom. It's not about you being able to write a 3000+ words blogpost/article about His second coming but Him using you to reach out to the world so they can come to the knowledge of the truth of His word and always bear in mind the urgency of His coming.

So, quick tip- If you're a new born-again Christian, don't go around with the ideology that it's all about you and what you can do to “help” God on earth, whereas it's about God and how God can USE you to accomplish all what He has said on His word- to come to fulfilment.

If you truly want to be saved, remove ”self”(me, mine, my, I) from your prayers and from God's entire picture. Rather, say; “Let your will be done in my life in Jesus name.”

THREE: Take up the cross daily (Mk 8:34, Lk 9:23, Colo 1:23)

   “Then he said to them all; if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me,” (Lk 9:23)

The cross here represents self-denial.

    Just as I stated in the previous point, self-denial is key in one's spiritual walk with God. Jesus tels us to deny ourselves and take up His cross daily and follow Him. These are the two requirements if you want to truly follow God all the way; Deny yourself and take up His cross daily. The cross here also symbolises the shame and sufferings of Christ borne by Christians. Jesus tells us to take up cross daily; bear the pains and sufferings like He bore for you and all of mankind.

Also, you should be constantly reminded of what our Lord Jesus Christ passed through for the redemption of our sins. If you don't take note of this, you can easily be misled or go off track. No matter how painful or heartfelt it is to always remind yourself of what our Lord went through and dis for us to gain our hope of salvation, you really need to do it. It will always keep you on track and remember that the Lord has done so much for us because of God's love for you and I.

Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross of Calvary; even before that, He was mercilessly tortured, scorned at, shamed. He suffered such terrible pain yet, He never complained, not even once! If out Lord can do that much for us, what makes it so hard for you to bear the same for Him? 
    Isn't a little pain that wouldn't last for a minute worth a greater joy and happiness?

FOUR: Follow Christ daily; not for a while!(Jn 10:26-28)

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (Jn 10:27)

You've given your life to Christ and accepted Him as your Lord and Savior; then, you think that's that....“If I die tomorrow or even now, I'm sure I'll go to heaven, that's been done!”, you think.... Well, I'm sorry if you have that mindset, but the truth of the matter is that you just started, my friend!

Nothing has been “done” yet or settled. Well, yes, it's been settled that you're now for Christ but your hope of salvation has not yet be settled.


Because you just started, dear brethren and there is so much more ahead of you... this is simply the beginning of your Christian journey.

But how do I really know I'm saved? I can't answer that as straight-forward as possible but I'm sure you'll know if you are. This is why you just have to follow and seek Him daily. Not for a day or two or a week, but EVERYDAY.

  You shouldn't get bored/tired of seeking Him because, trust me, God has a lot of unspeakable and unthinkable things to reveal to you and if you truly want to be saved, you should seek Him daily.

  As Jesus says in John 10:27, He knows His sheep because they follow Him. His sheep hears His voice and follow Him daily. They obey Him without complaints, seek Him without getting bored, pray to Him without ceasing, worship Him without snoozing and walk in the spirit without saying No.

Are You Christ's Sheep?

The bottom line: Stay away from anything self-related and die daily to your flesh. Never get tired of serving and seeking God; one day, He will manifest himself to you in an unforgettable way.

 Even if you're a born-again Christian or a long-term Christian, and you have the misconception that seeking and following God for a while then backsliding then come back to Christ then backsliding- the cycle repeating itself- excludes you from God's wrath because if His mercy and grace, you are wrong! God says seek Him daily, follow Him daily, bury your fleshly desires daily and pick up your cross daily to follow Jesus.
   If you can do all these things, you have a sure hope of gaining eternal salvation.


 Thank you for reading this post. I hope this post was helpful, encouraging and shone more light on a topic/Bible verses you didn't understand clearly. I really hope that you've learnt a few things from this to implement in your lifestyle and keep in your heart everyday. I'm certain you can achieve all these things and integrate them in your life, so as to grow your relationship with God to greater heights. Here's a short prayer to take home;

“O Dear Lord, please give me the spirit of self-crucifixion and self-denial, so I can deny my flesh of all its desires and vanity, pick up my cross to follow Jesus even with the pains and tribulations I'll pass through; pour the zeal in my heart to daily seek your face and follow Christ all of my life as steadfastly and obediently as possible in Jesus name.

   If you have any questions bothering you concerning this topic or any other biblical/Christianity related topic, leave a comment or send me an email; I'll be sure to reply within 24 hours. Also, follow me on                 Facebook  and  Twitter

I regularly post inspiring and share-worthy content by the grace of God. Share this post on your social media to help is spreading the word of God (you don't know you're working for God and whose soul you might save).

 Last but not the least, subscribe to EunyandGod for these type of faith-based messages and Christianity-related posts; you'll not get bored of reading the word of God!

 Thanks once again for lasting this far and I pray you have a wonderful day!

Stay blessed, beloved brethren!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

What is hell?

Hell is the future destination of the wicked.

Daniel 12:2

      “And many of them that sleep in the dust of the Earth(die) shall awake, some to everlasting life(heaven) and some to shame and everlasting suffering (hell)”.

   Today, we'll be focusing on the second option... which is hell.

1.   When one lives a life of self pleasure and refuses to obey the commands given to him by His creator; and lives a life based on his self/fleshy-driven pleasures,his end is guaranteed to be shameful, regretful and horrid.

2.   According to privileged servants of the Lord who are taken to hell by Jesus Christ, they testify of how many people there cry about the fact of them missing the opportunity to give their life to Christ when they were still on earth.

    In the end, they find themselves in hell, constantly regretting their actions on earth. The worst fact is that there are still so many individuals nowadays who go about believing that there is no such place as hell! They only believe in what they can see, so, as hell is in the spiritual realm, they decide not to believe in it's existence.

   When one preaches to them, they merely disregard the teachings, sometimes make mockery of evangelists; some even go as far as to hurt or assault the preacher.

3.  Also, from the beginning of time, God has been calling people through His mediums lol Ike prophets, evangelists, pastors to name a few, telling unbelievers to repent or face the consequences of their wrongdoings at the end of their life/time (when they die).

4.  Like the sermon Jesus preaches concerning the rich man and Lazarus in the book Luke 16:19-31: Christ taught us about what will happen if one does in sin, and doesn't confess of his sins and repent of them. Many people are able to confess their sins, but are unable to forsake it; so, they live a life of an unrepentant sinner. Because of this, one needs spiritual help from a good man or woman of God, to help him and to counsel him on how he can able to overcome his spiritual weakness.

     The solutions are through prayers, reading and knowing the word of God, meditating and practising the word of God, self control, abstaining from the things that always make you to stumble and most importantly, seeking help from the Holy Spirit.

 5.  In Matthew 25:41....

    “Then shall he say also into them on the left hand, depart from me, ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels”

According to this verse, hell was meant for the devil and his angels. It was when they had sinned from the very beginning before Adam and Eve were created. But when man also fell in the garden of Eden, through lust and greed, the sinner became a partner with the devil and his angels.

 Hell was created for those who rebel against the will and commandments of God.

6.    John 3:36......

    “He that believe in the Son have everlasting life and he that believe not on the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abide on him”.

    If you didn't know, the wrath of God is also hell fire. Those that think they are enjoying now, in the world, without having a relationship with Christ will have themselves to blame in the end of their lives.

The bottom line: The only thing that can save ones from hell is Christ in you, your hope of glory. May the spirit of God help you to realise the need to have Christ now in your life before it's too late.


Thank you for reading this post. I hope you've learnt something from this short message to keep in mind. You should know that hell is a really terrible place; it's not the one in movies or cartoons. Hell is as real as heaven is, but it's not worth going to, brethren. Please, you have to work hard, work hard in building your home in heaven and not building your game on earth. It's really not worth it; it really isn't.

Anyways, I pray the Lord guards you and encourages you in your spiritual walk with Him and if you're yet to come of realization of the truth of His word, I pray He manifests himself unto you.

  Share this to everyone you know, please, I urge you to do so! We are in the end times and Jesus' return draws near. Leave a question if you don't understand anything relating to this topic and I'll be sure to answer quickly. Follow this blog for more messages like this.
 Thanks once again for reading and have a fruitful day!

Stay blessed, beloved brethren.

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Monday, April 6, 2020

What is heaven?

Heaven is the final dwelling place of the saints after physical death on earth.

    In John 14:2, Jesus says.......

      “In my Father's house, there are mansions; I go to prepare a place for you...”

If you can remember, Jesus also promised the thief at the cross, paradise, because the thief pleaded for mercy from Jesus at the cross.

Luke 23:43....“Today shall thou be with me in paradise”

So, heaven is the place where God, Jesus Christ, the Holy angels and the redeemed saints dwell.

Here are 9 Biblical Facts the Lord revealed to me about heaven:

   FACT 1: In Matthew 6:20, Christ advises and admonishes us to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, where thieves do not break through not still; Heaven is the safest place to store up treasures without fear of them being stealing or corrupted.

  FACT 2: Revelation 21 and 22 tells about the beauty of heaven, and how the evil ones; like murderers, whoremongers and sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, will not partake in the beauty of heaven.

  FACT 3: In 2 Corinthians 5:1, Paul teaches us that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved (means if we die in the physical form), we have a building of God, an house not made with hands and eternal in the heavens. If we die in the physical, our souls and spirits are alive in the heavenly realm with Christ, in paradise. But to receive such blessing, one must give his life to Christ and live according to the commands Jesus gave us through His disciples (Mt 28:19-20).

 FACT 4: In Luke 20:35-36, Jesus admonishes us that in the world to come, we will be like the angels;

 “....but they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead(rapture) neither marry not are given in marriage, neither can they die anymore, for they are equal into the angels”.

 FACT 5: Revelation 7:13-17 explains that the great multitude from the great tribulation were taken to heaven after they have been killed by the Antichrist, because they held on to their testimonies and refused to accept the mark of worship of the beast by the Antichrist.

      Furthermore, the moment they were killed, their souls went straight up to paradise to receive their rewards (which is to be with Christ).

 FACT 6: 1 Corinthians 15:26,54- In heaven, there is no death or sorrow, death only reigned on earth because of sin and iniquity. But when dies here, even as a righteous man, he will be saved in heaven where there is no death or weeping.

Does a righteous man die because of sin or because he is wicked? Neither!
Also, a righteous man must die in the physical; it's appointed into men once to die (Heb 9:27)


Because God has declared that man must return to dust (Gen 3:19).

This is why even a good man must pay the death price, so as to fulfil the command God has given. This is also why Jesus Christ came to save us from the spiritual death (hell), but all, whether good or bad, must pass through the physical death.

    However, in heaven, there is nothing like death.  For, there, is the place the Father dwells. It is holy and pure ;that is why there is no death there.

Note: The only thing that made death to reign in the physical was SIN. Sin is the promoter of death here .

  FACT 7: In Mt 13:43, Jesus preaches about the saints shining forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father,“.....the saints will shine like the sun in heaven”. Just like in the mountain of transfiguration, when Jesus appeared in His glory in the presence of His disciples; Moses and Elijah also appeared with Him.

 When the disciples saw them, they were afraid because Moses and Elijah were like angels in heaven.

  This shows that those who will make heaven will shine like the sun in heaven.

 Isn't that wonderful?!

(Comment down below if you think it's awesome!)

  FACT 8: In the book of Romans 8:17, Paul teaches us the importance of being children of God. He says that if we suffer with Christ, we will be or made glorified with Him.

  FACT 9: Also, Philippians 3:21, tells us that Christ will change our vile body and fashion it like His glorious body Remember, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.


  And that's all!

Heaven is where righteousness and purity dwells. For one to be a candidate of heaven, one must be holy, righteous, pure and above all, have the love and mercy of God.


Thank you so much for reading this short message on heaven. I hope you learnt one or two things from it and you take home some points. Believe me, heaven is truly worth going to. It's indescribable and even writing a 10,000 words essay on it would not adequately explain its beauty and awesomeness. You'll just have to work hard to get there! (As I am too) . I'll be looking forward to seeing you there!

  Be sure to leave any question, or anything you don't understand about or besides this topic in the comments section below; I'll be sure to answer right away!Share this message to as many as you can, you don't know whose heart this would touch. Subscribe to this blog for more messages like this as I post regularly, by the Lord's willing and grace.

 Here's just a prayer to take home;

O Lord, please make me a perfected spirit on this earth, so I can be worthy to step foot in your glorious kingdom and dwell eternally with you,my  Heavenly Father, my Lord Jesus Christ, and the comforting Holy Spirit in Jesus name. AMEN.

Thanks again for reading and have a wonderful day.

 Stay blessed, beloved brethren!

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Sunday, April 5, 2020

6 Biblical Reasons Why Humans Love Sin

There are several reasons why humans love sin and darkness in the Bible, as the Lordhad showed me some to be made known to you.


    Man loves sin because the whole world lies in the power of evil, and it is sin that is prevailing in the world today. Sin will reign until the coming of Christ in the millennium; then sin will be taken out from the world by the Lord.

    Man loves sin because through dishonesty and covetousness, they acquire money and things unjustly. Some of them hide in disguise of lies to save themselves from public shame and disgrace. But they fail to know that God seeth even the things man does in secret.

    Man loves sin because it fastens their destinies but destroys their souls, like when one serves or sells his soul to the devil in exchange for material things.

Here are....


    Matthew 16:26 and Mark 8:36 says.........

         “What will profit one if he gains the whole world and his soul is damned in hell”

Many Christians nowadays forsake their relationship with God and deny Him because of riches; they are damned to hell.. We should know that whatever you have now, you will leave it the day you die, not knowing who Will inherit it or what would happen to it.

So please be warned and be careful to always walk according to the light of Christ's word.

      Psalms 52:2 says......

      “Thou love evil more than good and lying rather go speaking righteousness”.

People live their lives, most of the time, in lies. In families, some spouses live a hypocritical life, deceiving their partners and inevitably deceiving themselves. They are the ones that find pleasure out of their matrimonial homes ; they live in lies and always tell more lies to cover up their dirty hidden acts. They do this to avoid conflict and quarrelling, which is not the best solution.

    There are so many reasons people live in lies and that is just one of them (Pro 2:14).

Jeremiah 14:10 says.....

     “the people loved to wander- to go astray from God, the Lord promise to visit and remember their sins upon”.

2 Thes 2:11-12 says...... 

“For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie”. 

     They refused to believe the gospel of Christ, they rejected the grace of the Lord, so, God allowed them to believe what they wanted to believe. 

God doesn't force anyone to accept Him. Acceptance must come willingly from the heart. If man fails to accept the truth, then he will receive the lies of the world ( 2 Cor 4:3-4). 

      The devil has blinded the heart of those who don't believe the truth of the word.

    John 3:19 says......

    “That light is come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil...”

   Someone that is selfish and greedy will not want anyone to reprove him of his wrong ways, will he?

Ecclesiastes 8:11 says.....

   “... because sentence against evil work is not executed speedily, therefore, the heart of the 
sons of men is fully set in them to do evil ”.

This simply means that because the judgement of the divine spirit will always tarry, many people even believe that nobody can question their evil acts. This is why they are so bold to continue committing evil and refuse to give up their sinful ways.

  The Bible says whatever one sows, he will reap; if not in this life then in the world to come(Gala 6:7-8)


Thank you very much for reading this post. I hope you've learnt one or two things from this short message and you're inspired right now to turn away from your sinful ways, because God is a merciful God. If you cry out to Him with a sincere heart, He will definitely answer.
 Here are a few prayer points I have for you and I think you should add to your daily prayers:

  • O dear Lord and Father;.
  • Teach me to know your will and guide me by your holy word(PS 25:4-5).
  • Deliver me from secret sins and hidden faults.
  • Help me to grow in your grace daily.
  • Keep your word in my heart all the time.

I pray all these prayers are manifested in your life in Jesus name. AMEN.
I also want to be giving some prayer points after my posts from now on, so stay tuned for that.
Have a wonderful Sunday or whatever day it may be where you are now and God bless.

Stay blessed, beloved brethren!

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Saturday, April 4, 2020

  • Genesis 6:5 says....

  “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually”.

       When the heart of mine is dark and corrupt, it defiles the soul and body. The soul is the seat of emotions and feelings; man from the garden of Eden has become corrupt with his ways since he disobeyed the law of God (Ps 26:2). The psalmist cried out to God to examine him, to prove and try his heart.

If one is not examined with the word of God, one's heart can play a trick on someone because the unsatisfied heart is full of earthly things. Even those that call themselves God's children may be deceived by believing his imagination if one does not have discerning spirit to detect his thoughts life.

    One may also be deceived by believing his thoughts to be inspiration from God.... that is why many have been fooled by their own evil thoughts and have acted upon it without consulting the Spirit of God for confirmation.

Many have also misled others through evil imaginations all in the name of prophecy. False prophets prophesy out of their evil imaginations to deceive and ensnare the victims.

  • Job 15:15-16 says...

          “Behold He put no trust in His saints, yea, the heavens are not clean in His sight how much more abominable and filthy is man which drink iniquity like water?”

God did not trust his Angels who rebelled in the days of Noah; they married the daughters of men. They broke the angelic core by intermarrying with the daughters of men; that is why God says He did not even trust some of the Angels who He created to be perfect, talkless of men that that were made from the dust. The day and gave his right to the devil in the garden of Eden, was the day man became evil and corrupt before God.

That created room for redemption... that is why Christ came to pay the price for our sins and redeem us from the devil and hell, only if you believe in him and meet his terms of redemption.

  • Jeremiah 16:12 says.....

          “And you have done worse than your father's for behold he woke everyone after the imagination of his evil heart (Jeremiah 17:9)”.

    The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it?

  The heart is the hiding part of man's life that others are unaware of. One does not know what his neighbour or family member is thinking or planning  against you. It is only by the spirit of God and the mercy of God one can survive the evil intent of an evil heart.

  • Mark 7:21 Jesus says......

          “For within out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders; the heart is the custodian of evil thoughts or good thoughts..”

Jesus says that it's from the heart evil emanates (Proverbs 4:23). Keep thy heart or guide it, for out of it are the issues of life. If the heart is full of light, the person's whole life will be good and thy future secure, but if the heart is full of darkness, thy life will be full of evil and thy future will end in failure.

  • Romans 1:24 says........

       “Wherefore God also gave them up to  uncleanliness through the lust of their own heart to dishonor their own bodies between themselves”.

       When what they only think of is immorality of their soul, it is what they think that they practice. So God let them have their own evil thoughts manifest in the flesh (Pro 1:10-19, 24-33). Proverbs 1:10-19 warns us not to follow the evil counsel of the wicked nor join them in their camp to destroy innocent people because their thought is full of evil and wicked schemes. They are greedy and covetous in acts. So, evil imagination must be cancelled with the blood and name of Jesus.


Thanks for stopping by. I hope this post was inspiring and helpful. If troubled by evil imaginations, learn to occupy your mind with godly things (Philippians 4:8). Meditate in the things of God and there's no room or place for the devil to manipulate your thoughts through evil imagination. May God bless you and keep you safe and free in Jesus name.


 Thanks again for reading this and have a blessed day!

Stay tuned and stay blessed.

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Friday, April 3, 2020

How is it like when you don't have the Holy Spirit in your life.....

It is impossible to know God without the Holy Spirit (Eph 5:18, Rom 8:16)

It is impossible to understand the kingdom of God without the Holy Spirit (Lk 17:21, Rom 14:17)

It is impossible to know the truth without the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:26, 1Jn 5:6). Falling in deception is likely to happen without the Holy Spirit's constant teaching. If your relationship with the Holy Spirit grows cold, one can be decieved.

It is impossible to stay free from sin without the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:2). One who does not have a daily relationship with the Spirit of God open themselves up to weakness and falling into the sins of the past.

It is impossible to pray with power without the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:26).

It is impossible to have a faith-filling life without the Holy Spirit (2Cor 5:7).

It is impossible to live an unshakeable established Christian Life without the Holy Spirit (Eph 3:16-17). Anything less than a daily (each day has it's own annointing) annointing of the Holy Spirit leads to weakness and inbalance. You must constantly be seeking the Lord and never rely on yesterday's experience (Lam 3:22-25).

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Covetousness  is  when  one  take what  does  not  belong  to  him /her. 

 In  Exo. 20:17, it warns us against coveting any thing that does not belong  to our neighbor. e.ghouse,  wife, manservant, maid servant ox, ass, field, and anything  of his.

 FACT 1: Covetousness  breeds  or produce the spirit  of  greed (Pro 1:19,Isa 56:11)

        As a matter of fact, when  one  is greedy to gain things or anything  he  desire , he  can decide to have them by all means leading to illegal means such as stealing, either  through  flattery or violence.

FACT 2: Covetousness  produces the  spirit  of murder 

     That is to say, if  one  cannot  have  what  he desires  immensely, he  can  kill  to  have  it. (Jer 22:17).

FACT 3: Covetousness  also  lead to poverty(Pro 11:24).

FACT 4: Covetousness  produces injustice (Micah 7:3). 

      This is because bribe and corruption takes justice away from the  righteous.

FACT 5: Deception  is one  of  the  tool of covetousness (Mt, 13:22) 
      As in  the  parable  of the  sower, those  who  fell  on  the thorns  where  been  choked  through the  deception  of  riches.

FACT 6: Covetousness breeds defilement (Mt 7:21-23). 
    Those that seek powers for signs and wonders in the wrong way, forsaking God's will, so they can be famous and receive multiple praises from men, and not the praise of God exhibit the spirit of covetousness, the spirit of pride of life.

FACT 7: Covetousness produce the temptations and lusts (1 Tim 6:9-11, 1 Jn 2:15-17) 
       Also, when one is full of the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life one will also fall into the temptation of coveting what does not belong to him/her e.g like taking another person's wife, husband, properties, to mention a few.

The bottom line........ Pray against the spirit of covetousness as our Lord is not pleased with those who covet.  Be satisfied with what you have and do not lust for more; be selfless and contented(1 Tim 6:6). The Lord is faithful and just to give you all that you rightfully deserve. I pray our Lord God instills the spirit of contentment in you and removes the seed of covetousness you may have. .


Peace be unto you. Until next time!

Stay blessed my brethren. 

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A transformed life means living a new life contrary to the way the world is.

Having a renewed mind(Rom 12:1-3),

When one's thought is fashioned according to the things of this world, the person becomes influenced by what he sees,hears or feels. He/she is moved by his emotions, desires and lusts;but for one to be free from such debase mind or corrupt heart,one needs to renew his/her thinking pattern.

The person must always think only of the things that are good(Phil 4:8).

You must try as much as possible to forget your old self(e.g character, behavior) and for you to do that,one needs to study the word of God so as to know the word of God and practise it in one's life, train and discipline oneself in the word of God (Heb 12:1-11), Because the word of God is our manual, guidelines to righteous living (2 Tim 3:16).
One's life must be changed from that of the world to things that please God; and to please God is to obey His law and command which He has given to us, through the Scriptures.

Jesus said if you love him keep my commandments (Jn 14:15). So, it is those who keep His commandments they are His beloved.

So to live a transformed life one must become a true born-again believer. Leaving behind one's sinful way of life e.glies, fornication, theft e.t.c and moving forward to a new life with Christ (2 Corinth 5:17). One will enjoy the benefits of a new being in Jesus Christ;

  • Peace of mind
  • Salvation of soul
  • Fellowship with the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit.
  • Victorious life over sin
  • Deliverance from Satanic bondages
  • Being a citizen of heaven


Thanks for reading this short message. If you didn't know, I will be posting as often as I can,Thank and most of my posts will be longer than the short messages I write as pages. Thank you once again for reading this post and I hope you benefited from it. Have a nice day or night.I pray that the most high God will bless your spirit and soul, keep your reserved until His coming, make you to be worthy in his presence. I pray that the Almighty God will give you a understanding heart to assimilate and to make it useful in your life in the name of Jesus; God bless you.


Stay blessed, beloved brethren.

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Our righteousness are as filthy rags (Isaiah 64: 6). 

We as humans live according to the dictates of our hearts and we know that the heart is full of evil imaginations, if not guided by the Holy Spirit.

Ezekiel 33:13 says that when God says to the righteous that He shall surely live if the righteous trust in His righteousness and commit iniquity, all His righteousness shall not be remembered. But for His iniquity that he hath committed, he shall die for it.

 In such cases, many people who say and think they are good and struggle to still walk  in the way of God; If not careful and diligent  in theirchristian lives, they will either make mistakes or fall through the Spirit of pride.

That's why one must examine his Christian life always whether he is still in the faith or not (2 Corinthians 13:5). Proverbs 20:9 says; “who can say I have made my heart clean I am pure from my sin”. The Bible says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God because of our depraved nature. Sin  dwells in the flesh, that is our body.

The world is full of various kind of pleasures. Peoople love the things of this world and are carried away by the lust of the eye, lust of the flesh, the desire of this life and the pride of life (1 John 2 :15-17). The mind of man is always at war with the Spirit of God because man is so weak in his heart to uphold the law of God without the help of the Holy Spirit.

Man cannot live a life of Christ without the Holy Spirit. To live a life of true righteousness of God, the Spirit of God will have be your helper. Christ says this in the scripture( Matthew 19:26)He says....“with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”, so to be holy is to have Christ in one's life i.e to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Galatians 3:22) but the scripture has concluded all under sin and only by having faith in Christ Jesus that one can be saved (Psalms 53:3).

(1 Jn 1:8) says...“if we say that we have not sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, we are the seed of Adam the first man and by nature, we partake of his sinful nature..” so to be saved from our depraved naturez we need to be born-again in Christ by denouncing the world and the evil one and have self control.


Thanks for reading this message.
I pray the Lord God put it in your heart to meditate on His word constantly, gives you the confidence to denounce the things of this world and offer your self wholely to Him.

Have a wonderful day.

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