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Sunday, March 8, 2020

2 things that are the will of God on salvation according to the book of 1 Timothy 2:4

 As a Christian, God has plenty plans for us for our present and our future. He has so much in store for us and all we have to do is to ask for his will to be done in our lives.

Most unbelievers think God hates them and want nothing but ill-luck for them; when actually God doesn't mean bad for anyone except the devil. We shouldn't have that mindset that God has already condemned us to death because of our sins and iniquities, whereas, He wants us to live in peace and oneness with Him.

      Concerning salvation we should by now know that God wants everyone to be saved but not all will be. He has already given his son Jesus Christ as an atonement for our sins and now if you are to be humble and meek to surrender our lives to Jesus and walk with Him, we will be saved. God didn't predestine anyone to go to fact He didn't predestine hell at all; it was because of the sin of Lucifer that hell came into existence, then proceeding that was the sin of Adam and his wife, Eve.

         That broke the covenant between God and man. But now surrendering yourself to God and walking steadfastly in Him, obeying His every command until the very end, after establishing the new covenant with Him, ensures your assurance of salvation.

          In the book of 1 Timothy 2 (which is what we'll be dwelling on today), it is been made known to us the two vital things that is the will of God for us concerning our salvation. These two points are precise  and definite, as God's promises always comes to pass in our realm if you pray towards its fulfillment. I sincerely pray that after you read this short but unfeigned message, you are highly guaranteed by the Holy Spirit that God's love for you is eternal and His desire for you to spend all eternity with Him, the Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit is keen and irrevocable. Without wasting much more time, let's take a look at the points:

Point 1: That all men should be saved (Mark 16:15, John 3:16, 2 Peter 3:9, Revelation 22:17)

I know, I've been going on and on about how much God wants us to be saved...... but do you know He really wants us to be saved?!God doesn't just want us to escape hell but to be saved and enjoy eternal bliss with Him. The lord said in the book of Mark 16:15, “...... go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature". He didn't say preach to every town or to every state or to every local government area but to every creature. Do you perhaps know why God said specifically to preach every creature? Because of hyis burning desire to make everyone know Him more intimately and venture into establishing a strong relationship with God .....which will lead to the person's salvation! He also said specifically to preach to every creature because he knows that if at least one person knows and fears God in an entire state, He would use that person to spread the gospel in the entire country and souls will be saved!


       God loved and still loves us; he loved this world so much that He gave His only son as a sacrificial lamb that whoever believes in Him will not be damned to hell but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
That is a popular Bible verse and most Christians only take it as a popular verse, but if you are led by the Spirit to actually feel the way the Lord feels about the verse, you would have no choice but to gratify the love God has for each and every single person in this world.

 That is why He uses His servants; the pastors, preachers, evangelists and so forth to tell the unbelievers to repent! repent! and repent!! Because he doesn't want us to perish.

God is giving us an invitation code to make a new covenant with Him; He wants to establish an everlasting relationship with you ,He wants to be your lortd and Savior. He doesn't want for you, your brother or sister, dad or mum, uncle or aunt, niece or nephew, cousin or friend to perish in hell. He's giving you a chance to step into that presence he so desperately wants to bathe you in. 
All He asks is are you ready? Because He is!

Point 2: That all should come to the knowledge of the truth (Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:16)

    What is the truth in this context you ask (1 Timothy 2:4)? The word of God, the scriptures, the law, the word of righteousness, the Bible; any name you wish to call it doesn't take away the fact of its authenticity and truth of its divine inspiration from God alone.

 God has prepared this Bible for His saints all over the world to confide in, to seek answers, to seek retributions, for instructions in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16) and every other thing pertaining living in Christ.

    God is terribly hurt and bothered when he sees His children and even the Bride of Christ engage their attention on worldly/earthly philosophies and teachings or philosophical facts and “truths”. That is all a lie that the devil is using to take your mind off of the truth (which is the word of the Lord) and into the earthly wisdom of things (which is of Satan). In this world ruled by the ultimate liar (the devil), full of lies and deception, it is only God (which is the true God) and the Bible (which is the truth) that can sustain our faith and belief in His promises.

       As the Bible is inspired from divine wisdom of God, it is way-superior to any other book in its origin, doctrines, principles revelations, prophecies, and overall genuinity. This is why God wants everybody to know this truth because without it we are still blinded by the devil. It is when we come to the knowledge of the truth that the veil of ignorance is lifted up our face and you really can then see and know God personally.

    It is then we come to know of its doctrines, its revelations, prophecies, God's promises, and all the wonderful stories of past men and women of God, to be benefited from.

Have you ever heard when someone says the Bible has a solution to every problem? Well,'s true! Any matter you can think of; peace, joy, love, rejection, sickness, health forgiveness, salvation, Christian living, to name a few. Just open your Bible and dig deep, I'm sure you'll find a solution. a
As He has made known the knowledge of truth to you today, make it known to the people around you too (share the good news!)

The bottom line: In the Bible, there are so many promises recorded; ranging from blessings to punishment/justice to the evil ones. Today we learnt of two things that are God's will for every single person in this world according to 1 Timothy 2 and these be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth of the word of God. God sincerely wishes for us to be saved and not to be condemned to eternal damnation with the devil.

 He is trying very hard to make the word of God known to every single creature in every nation in this world. He hasn't destined anyone to burn and perish in the lake of fire for eternity but to live in joy and happiness in the New Jerusalem forever with Him.

 God's love for you is unconditional and that is why He's stretching out His hand now to you who is reading this; whoever you may be, wherever you may come from, whatever sin you've committed, God is reaching out His hand to you now to grab onto hi6m and He will be your Father and Lord. He will teach you His word and make you grow in hiys teachings. 
All you have to do is grab on and surrender everything else.....He will take control! For all He wants is for you to be saved!

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Have a joyous day, blessed brethren!!

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