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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

6 Things Your Pastor Didn't Tell You About Hell

What is hell?

Hell is the future destination of the wicked.

Daniel 12:2

      “And many of them that sleep in the dust of the Earth(die) shall awake, some to everlasting life(heaven) and some to shame and everlasting suffering (hell)”.

   Today, we'll be focusing on the second option... which is hell.

1.   When one lives a life of self pleasure and refuses to obey the commands given to him by His creator; and lives a life based on his self/fleshy-driven pleasures,his end is guaranteed to be shameful, regretful and horrid.

2.   According to privileged servants of the Lord who are taken to hell by Jesus Christ, they testify of how many people there cry about the fact of them missing the opportunity to give their life to Christ when they were still on earth.

    In the end, they find themselves in hell, constantly regretting their actions on earth. The worst fact is that there are still so many individuals nowadays who go about believing that there is no such place as hell! They only believe in what they can see, so, as hell is in the spiritual realm, they decide not to believe in it's existence.

   When one preaches to them, they merely disregard the teachings, sometimes make mockery of evangelists; some even go as far as to hurt or assault the preacher.

3.  Also, from the beginning of time, God has been calling people through His mediums lol Ike prophets, evangelists, pastors to name a few, telling unbelievers to repent or face the consequences of their wrongdoings at the end of their life/time (when they die).

4.  Like the sermon Jesus preaches concerning the rich man and Lazarus in the book Luke 16:19-31: Christ taught us about what will happen if one does in sin, and doesn't confess of his sins and repent of them. Many people are able to confess their sins, but are unable to forsake it; so, they live a life of an unrepentant sinner. Because of this, one needs spiritual help from a good man or woman of God, to help him and to counsel him on how he can able to overcome his spiritual weakness.

     The solutions are through prayers, reading and knowing the word of God, meditating and practising the word of God, self control, abstaining from the things that always make you to stumble and most importantly, seeking help from the Holy Spirit.

 5.  In Matthew 25:41....

    “Then shall he say also into them on the left hand, depart from me, ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels”

According to this verse, hell was meant for the devil and his angels. It was when they had sinned from the very beginning before Adam and Eve were created. But when man also fell in the garden of Eden, through lust and greed, the sinner became a partner with the devil and his angels.

 Hell was created for those who rebel against the will and commandments of God.

6.    John 3:36......

    “He that believe in the Son have everlasting life and he that believe not on the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abide on him”.

    If you didn't know, the wrath of God is also hell fire. Those that think they are enjoying now, in the world, without having a relationship with Christ will have themselves to blame in the end of their lives.

The bottom line: The only thing that can save ones from hell is Christ in you, your hope of glory. May the spirit of God help you to realise the need to have Christ now in your life before it's too late.


Thank you for reading this post. I hope you've learnt something from this short message to keep in mind. You should know that hell is a really terrible place; it's not the one in movies or cartoons. Hell is as real as heaven is, but it's not worth going to, brethren. Please, you have to work hard, work hard in building your home in heaven and not building your game on earth. It's really not worth it; it really isn't.

Anyways, I pray the Lord guards you and encourages you in your spiritual walk with Him and if you're yet to come of realization of the truth of His word, I pray He manifests himself unto you.

  Share this to everyone you know, please, I urge you to do so! We are in the end times and Jesus' return draws near. Leave a question if you don't understand anything relating to this topic and I'll be sure to answer quickly. Follow this blog for more messages like this.
 Thanks once again for reading and have a fruitful day!

Stay blessed, beloved brethren.

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