
A blog to satisfy your spiritual hunger with weekly dishes of faith messages and christian living.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

You've been hearing this on your radio, seeing it on TV and evangelists preached this to you, but do you know it's not soon anymore... IT'S HERE.

If you don't believe Jesus is coming soon, read this

If you're a Christian, you would've heard of the second coming of Christ, but I purposely made this simply-formtted Q&A kind of post for unbelievers to be aware of the topic and to remind the body of Christ of this prophecy which is to be fulfilled soon.

I pray as you read this, the Holy Spirit softens your heart to see the truth of what is said in God's word to be in the world to come and have a change of heart to serve God. AMEN.

Now, without further ado, let's get into it:

QUESTION 1:What and when exactly is the second coming of Christ?

The second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is at the end of the world system; when the reign of the Anti-christ will come to an end.

QUESTION 2:Who is Christ coming with?

Christ is coming with the Holy Saints and with the Holy Angels to rule in the earth for one thousand years. Those that are worthy of Him, will rule with Him in Jerusalem.

QUESTION 3:Why is Christ coming again?

The purpose of His coming is to remove evil from the earth that has been polluted by the evil one and his evil spirits.
     Initially, God had given the earth to man(Adam) to rule the earth, but the sin of disobedience Adam and Eve committed gave Satan the opportunity to steal the rulership of the earth from man. This happened in the garden of Eden.

Since then the world has faced a lot of pain, evil interventions to name a few.

That's why God has prepared a plan to restore the earth to the original way He wanted to be. God's initial plan for the earth is for people to live in peace and harmony; a world without evil. But when God's original plan was planned by Adam, God then sent His son(in the person of Jesus to come the first time as our Redeemer, so as to save those who will come to Him, through the Gospel).

    In John 3:16-20, Jesus says...

    “That God is loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, whosever believeth in Him should not perish, but have  everlasting life, but He that does not behave in Him is already condemned”.

It was because man had failed God, that's why God sent His son to come the first time and the Redeemer of man, but the second time which is what we're discussing about, He is coming to rule the world in righteousness and equity (Ps 2).

QUESTION 4:What exactly is Christ coming to do?

Christ's coming is to judge the world of the evil been committed in it.

In the book of Rev 22:11-12, it says that Christ is coming to reward every man according to what he/she has done.

The bottom line: Remember that one day is coming when you will give account of whatever you did in your life.
    So, try now to live a godly life, so that you can be with those that are with Christ, when He comes to take over the rulership of the world.

Not sure whether you're saved or not? Here's what you have to do


Thanks for reading this post. This was a different kind of post, in the sense that it's a Q$A post(inspired by my daughter 🙂). If you liked the format, please comment and let me know if you want me to do more posts like this.

  I hope you gained something from it and are now aware of the urgency of Jesus coming.
I urge you to endeavor to live a life pleasing to God and abide in Christ everyday of your life, walking in the Spirit. Make sure you work hard to get a prefected spirit  than working to get a perfected body. Live a life, here on Earth, that will make your soul worthy to step foot into the kingdom of heaven and then the New Jerusalem. That should be part of your prayer points everyday.

God be with you through it all!

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Stay strong in faith and stay blessed, beloved brethren!