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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Being a faithful servant to God

Thy faithful  and  obedient servant  (Mt 25:21,23,Hab. 3:17-18)

             Faithfulness  in  the  sight  of the  Lord is when  one  does not  conform  or  compromise  with  his  faith; when  one  does   not  live  according  to  the  world  system.

       In the  book  Mt. 24:13,Jesus admonishes us to endure  whatever persecution or trials we are passing through till the end of our journey on earth in Him, so as to be saved in the end.

     In Hab 3:17-18, the prophet was faced with some financial problems,  but he still trusted in his God and put his faith in his creator;he believed in the end God would see him through and He did! 

 Faithfulness is tested with various challenges some of which are ;

  • The desire for power 
  • The desire for riches 
  • The desire for fame or worldly glory 
  • Pleasures 

2 Tim 4:10,  shows Demas who was a faithful servant until he backslider because he loved this present world.

The parable of the talents depicts the faithfulness of the servants i. e whether the servants were faithful to their master or not(Mt 25:21, 23,26).

 There are 3 servants in this parable ; two of them worked hard and received their rewards while the last one who was lazy and evil in his thoughts also received his reward.

Thereso, one need to be faithful in whatever gift, calling, ministry and belief you practice /are in. 

       In life, one should not always accept the easy way to solve problems that is not according to God's divine principles.  By going through the easy way,  many people have entered the world unknowingly to them.

Remember....... the easy way is always full of traps, deception, manipulation, destruction and so much more difficulties.

     In everything in life, there is a time and season (Ecc 3:1). One needs to wait patiently for God's timing which is inevitably the best time(Ps 40:1-4)

       Faithfulness entails it seems as if one has failed in the struggles of life but keep on trusting the Lord for solutions  and way out.

    Faithfulness also means when one manages whatever he/she has in the present situation without defiling his/her body.

    Faithfulness also connotes the ability to overcome feelings, desires, passions, and being able to sustain faith even though trials and tribulations.  If a believer exercises this behavior,  then he is said to be faithful to the end before God.

Dearly beloved, the world is full of different kinds of temptations, trials,  tribulations and the likes but it is those that are confidently proud of the power of God and scale through the situation without compromising their faith or giving into the world's pressure.... Only they will be saved in the end. 


Thanks so much for reading through this post and gaining two or three things from it.  I hope it was helpful and inspiring to you.  I pray the spirit of God will lead and guide you in your endeavors.


Stay blessed dear brethren. 

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  1. Faithfulness looks like something one has to discipline oneself to have it.

    1. You have to discipline yourself, yes; and with the Lord's special guidance, being faithful will be a normal thingy to you, my dear.
      May the Lord be with you!
