
A blog to satisfy your spiritual hunger with weekly dishes of faith messages and christian living.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Many Christians nowadays often have the same question in their heads wondering and pondering for the right answer that would favour them and what is that question?

How do I know the voice of the Holy Spirit?

As you already know and those who do not know, the voice of the Holy Spirit is distinct and obviously supernatural when he speaks to you you will know He's The One 

Now, because of the numerous distractions in the world today, many Christians find it hard to discern between the voice of the Holy Spirit and their own conscience speaking.

Whether it be family affairs, workloads or just simply pleasures of this world; they all play prominent roles in distracting new believers of Christ and curious Christians.

Basically, there are three inner voices of a man; the conscience (voice of the soul), voice of Satan  (voice of the flesh) and the voice of the Holy Spirit (voice of the spirit) . These are three distinct voices and each varies from the other in sense of intensity,persuasion and conviction; but you know the Holy Spirit is the true voice of God and beats them all!

Nevertheless, I will explain and basically teach you how you can easily detect the voice of the Holy Spirit whenever He is speaking to you.


First of all, if you are a child/babe in Christ/Convert or whatever you may call yourself and your are burning with the fire of Christ, you are eager to walk with Him and serve Him unconditionally,you  are hungry for His word and thirsty for His righteousness, you are longing to be with the Lord 24/7; then you ask yourself, what do I do? Where do I start from?

Well, you have to first have the understanding that the Holy Spirit speaks to you in a distinct manner, yet the devil speaks to you too. Having a discerned mind and spirit helps to differentiate between the voice of the Holy Spirit and the voice of the devil (or sometimes yourself).

 You need to train your spirit to always have that immediate effect to the Lord's voices speaking to you and instantly assuring yourself that HE IS THE ONE!

      To those of the followers of Christ and servants of the Lord, they need to work hard, train themselves and endeavour to be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and obeying without doubt or complaints.
It is really a blessing to have the Holy Spirit in you and God guiding your every decision ,choice, action and entire being.

 When you are obedient to the leadings of the Holy Spirit, your life will become more fulfilling and easy to live; if you are an unbeliever who decides to follow Christ and then you receive the Holy Spirit baptism, I tell you, your life automatically takes a U-turn to the path of righteousness salvation glory and steadfastness.

 For once you were in darkness but as the Holy Spirit is now dwelling in you you have become a light a light that shines luminously in Christ Jesus. Although you were living in the law now by the grace of the Almighty God you live in grace of Christ Jesus. You are now living in the power of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Now,here are some points to take note of in your search for the discernment of your spirit and some things in your life you need to work on to always know when the Spirit of God is talking to you

1.For a beginner that does not understand the voice of the holy spirit you have to read the word of God always

You have to know that it is the word of God that will assure you whether you are in Christ or not, whether you have really forsaken these earth ly pleasures and implemented on your decision to follow Christ Jesus.

In the book of Matthew 5 verse 6 our Lord Jesus Christ admonished those who are thirsty and hungry for righteousness(the beatitudes).

 Righteousness here meaning having the knowledge of how to live a righteous life pleasing to our almighty God. So, Jesus Christ was pleased with those that want to know how to live for Him and Him alone.

 The word of God is our strength so if you know the word of God and constantly meditate on it, you will be able to assess yourself if you are truly fit for the Spirit of God to dwell in and all that you need to know about self-purification.

2.If you have developed the habit of daily searching of the scriptures the word of god gives you knowledge on how you will build up your faith

Faith is a very important aspect in any religion and faith is a very essential trait for a believer of God. You cannot say to yourself .......  “I know that Jesus Christ is our Lord and savior and God is eternal and the Holy Spirit is our comforter .......but will I truly be saved by just worshiping a God I don't see?”
WHAT?!! What’s the whole essence of starting/wanting to start a relationship with God if you don't believe He alone can save you! You have to have faith to maintain a good relationship with God.

Basically,as you were an unbeliever still living in the world and enjoying the fruits of the flesh you had no idea about God and his wondrous acts but as soon as you surrendered yourself to Him, that faith was filled in you that there truly is a God that can save you.

Then because of that same word you search daily and practice it teaches you all you need to know about Christ and even about the presence of God and the Holy Spirit baptism. When you become familiar with the word of the Lamb, hearing from the lord and recognising His voice would be like a normal thing to you!

3.The word of God will also tell you what you need to do my print the father for the gifts of the Holy Spirit(Matt 7:11)

The word of God will not only tell you about the acts of righteousness, Jesus Christ and simple Bible tales everyone knows; it also teaches, describes and leads you on what to do- exactly what to do- to build a strong relationship with God including the right way to hear from him.

When you pray to our Father for the gift  of the Holy Spirit, He will give it to you. Remember as a believer without the Holy Spirit you cannot live a life of victory;  the wicked one will always outsmart you but when the Holy Spirit is with you(OH!) He will guide, lead and protect you from all kinds of temptations, false doctrines and teachings, deception and so much evil.

This is why you need to pray and continuously ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit so you can live a life of victory and to the fullest potential God has for you.

4.When you have asked for the Holy Spirit, believe you have received him because without faith you will not receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit(Heb 11:6)

When you have prayed to the Father with your entire heart, through Christ Jesus, for the Holy Spirit you need to believe that you will have it so you will have it.  You need to ask with your heart and have faith that the Lord will surely answer your prayers and anoint you with the Holy Spirit.

5.After receiving Him, the Holy Spirit will start to explain the scripture to you.

 Halleluja!because you have received the Holy Spirit but be rest, assured, it doesn't stop there, When the Holy Spirit is now actively talking to you, you are spending time with Him, He will explain and teach you some scriptures you didn't ever look for or some you were trying so hard to understand yet you didn't.

He will be your teacher and your friend, your mentor and your companion. If you have established a strong bond, a strong relationship with the Holy Spirit, know that you are in the right way of knowing the voice of God.

Some people are often led by the Holy Spirit to open a particular Bible passage or verse and are instantly filled with joy or answers to their questions and solutions to their problems.

(Jn 14:26, Jn 15:26) Jesus promised us that when the comforter comes he will lead and guide us into all truth, he will reveal to us dark and secret things.

6.Make sure you judge every message given to you in the Spirit by the word of God(1 Jn 4:1,1 Cor 14:29)

 Okay!......... you have started receiving divine messages from the Lord, you are always chatting with the Holy Spirit..... but take heed !yes, pause for a second. As  I said before, it is not only God that speaks to man,  the devil and the soul does too. That's why you have to judge everything or every instruction and every message you here by the best constitution in the world-- the word of God.

 If you hear a voice telling you to listen to carnal songs or sensual audio tracks because you feel bored, you should know it is from the devil and not from God or maybe you hear a voice tells you to take a cookie your mum just made without her permission, you should know that is your soul and not the voice of God.

 This is why it is so important to have the word of God embedded in our hearts and mind to guide us from all anti-christ voices or carnal voices that we may hear or perceive.
Many Christians brag about saying ...“The spoke to me about......”, “The Lord told me this....”but do you have any idea whether it is the devil manipulating you through your pride or your mind playing tricks on you out of your overzealousness?

 As Paul told the Christians to always judge anything they received or anytime they received a prophecy from a prophet whether it is from God or Satan.

7.When you have confirmed that it is the Holy Spirit speaking to you you must be very very careful to ensure that you obey and walk with him in every minute of your life.

 Many Christians are so excited to hear from the Lord yet when they begin to hear from him they gradually lose interest or zeal because the commands get too much or severe. The Holy Spirit tells them to do this and yet they do the other, why? because of their flesh.

The flesh is always waging war against the spirit so we have to be steadfast in our faith and listen to the holy spirit alone. When the lust of this life pushes you back and forth,it is by the Holy Spirit's guidance you can remain steadfast.

 Some people receive messages from God but because they feel it doesn't suit their own beliefs and initiatives or fear of being laughed at,  they fail to share the message. This is what is dragging Christians down nowadays and we should stop these! We are not pleasing man but God!

 We shouldn't be like Jonah and the people of Israel. When Jeremiah told the Israelites that God told them to go they objected because they didn't feel like it was from God simply out of their fleshly desires.

The bottom line: The Holy Spirit is eager to speak to all those who want to listen, guide those who want to be guided, teach those who want to be taught, give message and prophecies to those who want to be given, show secrets of the world to those who have their eyes ears and hearts wide-open, He's eager and waiting for you to pray for him to dwell in you.You just need to need him, pray for his presence work towards his friendship and never let Him go!


thank you very much for being a blessed soul and reading through this post. I hope you have benefited from it and I've given your spiritual man a refreshing boost! Just want you to know that the Holy Spirit wants to dwell in your heart and wants you to live a victorious Life in Christ Jesus. He will come to you when you call upon him with a pure heart you just need to ask in faith, abide in His word and live according to His instructions. You can hear the voice of God and always know that He is the one.
 I pray that as you have read and understood all these points I explained, the Lord God will personally teach you and lead  you to greater heights in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit will personally walk you through the deepest secrets of the word of God and make you live a life to your fullest potential.

 May the Lord be with you, dearly beloved.


 Stay blessed brethren.

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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Thy faithful  and  obedient servant  (Mt 25:21,23,Hab. 3:17-18)

             Faithfulness  in  the  sight  of the  Lord is when  one  does not  conform  or  compromise  with  his  faith; when  one  does   not  live  according  to  the  world  system.

       In the  book  Mt. 24:13,Jesus admonishes us to endure  whatever persecution or trials we are passing through till the end of our journey on earth in Him, so as to be saved in the end.

     In Hab 3:17-18, the prophet was faced with some financial problems,  but he still trusted in his God and put his faith in his creator;he believed in the end God would see him through and He did! 

 Faithfulness is tested with various challenges some of which are ;

  • The desire for power 
  • The desire for riches 
  • The desire for fame or worldly glory 
  • Pleasures 

2 Tim 4:10,  shows Demas who was a faithful servant until he backslider because he loved this present world.

The parable of the talents depicts the faithfulness of the servants i. e whether the servants were faithful to their master or not(Mt 25:21, 23,26).

 There are 3 servants in this parable ; two of them worked hard and received their rewards while the last one who was lazy and evil in his thoughts also received his reward.

Thereso, one need to be faithful in whatever gift, calling, ministry and belief you practice /are in. 

       In life, one should not always accept the easy way to solve problems that is not according to God's divine principles.  By going through the easy way,  many people have entered the world unknowingly to them.

Remember....... the easy way is always full of traps, deception, manipulation, destruction and so much more difficulties.

     In everything in life, there is a time and season (Ecc 3:1). One needs to wait patiently for God's timing which is inevitably the best time(Ps 40:1-4)

       Faithfulness entails it seems as if one has failed in the struggles of life but keep on trusting the Lord for solutions  and way out.

    Faithfulness also means when one manages whatever he/she has in the present situation without defiling his/her body.

    Faithfulness also connotes the ability to overcome feelings, desires, passions, and being able to sustain faith even though trials and tribulations.  If a believer exercises this behavior,  then he is said to be faithful to the end before God.

Dearly beloved, the world is full of different kinds of temptations, trials,  tribulations and the likes but it is those that are confidently proud of the power of God and scale through the situation without compromising their faith or giving into the world's pressure.... Only they will be saved in the end. 


Thanks so much for reading through this post and gaining two or three things from it.  I hope it was helpful and inspiring to you.  I pray the spirit of God will lead and guide you in your endeavors.


Stay blessed dear brethren. 

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